The solution for the international development of your business

Smart solutions for International Business Development

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Together to promote the internationalization of Italian companies.

Who we are

The PromExport Italia Network was born from the initiative of six Italian companies with different experiences in internationalization processes which, together, can offer Italian companies a series of integrated services aimed at international development.

What we do

We support and assist Italian companies interested in development on international markets thanks to an integrated offer of services: subsidized finance, drafting and implementation of internationalization, communication and logistics projects.

The Partners


Lead partner company of the network, specialized in subsidized finance, local development, export and internationalization support, international cooperation, community planning and research and development to ensure maximum financial support for your company.

DR & Partners Srl

Business and strategic consulting firm for international development.
Through its network of international partners, it supports and assists companies in the implementation of internationalization projects through participation in international fairs, organization of promotional events, trade missions and the start of commercial relations with local importers and buyers.

O.T.I.M. SpA

Organization of International and Maritime Transport is the partner company of the network that deals with logistics abroad and shipments, from the simplest to the most complex, providing assistance, experience and presence in the major international ports and airports.


EURIS Srl develops products and assistance and consultancy services, specialized in policies, law and programs of the European Union and aimed at the world of business and public administrations.
It operates in the field of “entrepreneurial development” and “local territorial development”, placing itself in the medium-high segment of the market, providing assistance and consultancy to complex and excellent projects.

Marchiodimpresa Srl

Marchiodimpresa Srl was founded in 2021 to give a legal form to the portal which since 2007 has contributed to spreading the culture of industrial property in Italian companies.


Icones is a company specializing in international marketing planning. The agency is able to contribute to the implementation of concrete strategic communication campaigns that allow brands to develop a path of growth on domestic and foreign markets.

Ready to join the network?

Contact us

PromExport Italia Network: Together to promote the internationalization of Italian companies.

PromExport Italia


Via Vigilio Inama, 23 - 20133 Milano

+39 335 580 1001